Walking the stalk

Stalking fans might be interested in this snap of me with Cambridge’s favorite rowers Caroline and Georgina Evers-Swindell, who made it two Olympic golds in a row (geddit?) on Saturday night. You can click the picture to make it bigger. No, I don’t know which one is which(!).

Author: Richard Irvine

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6 thoughts on “Walking the stalk”

  1. Thank you for describing correctly where they come from – Cambridge. World famous for Mark Todd, Charisma, Rob Waddell, Sarah Ulmer, Mahe Drysdale and of course myself.

  2. Bloody brilliant Richie, love your work. Wasn’t aware you were now Irvine with a short second ‘i’, but its been a while since we’ve caught up to be fair.

  3. That’s taken in October 2004 – so just after the Athens Olympics. Like I said on another forum – they were *just gorgeous* in real life (!).

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