It’s funny ‘cos it’s true…

Great cartoon from Tom Scott. Maybe I’m a big turncoat, but I’m finding it hard to get too excited about NZ v Sri Lanka. Our boys produced a Bewilderingly Spineless Collapse (TM) in the first innings, and effectively stuffed their chances, but here’s why I’m not too bothered:

a) The (usually) shite weather we get in December these days means it’s too early for Test Cricket. It’s like playing rugby in March. Hang on… Ideally, Cricket is meant to be enjoyed under holiday conditions, sitting IN THE SUN on a grass bank, without worrying about work the next day – hey, if you want to drink 16 beers and get pushed around the boundary in a shopping cart, go right ahead, you’ve earned it. It’s no co-incidence my cricket-watching prime was when I was either a student, unemployed, or aged 8-15.

b) It’s the last weekend before the Xmas break – New Zealanders are either getting pissed with their extended family, then getting very sleepy, or heading to a farkin shopping mall to max out the last credit card

c) the Ashes is making our offering look very poor indeed in comparrison. My advice: don’t sweat NZ v Sri Lanka, and get ready for the humid evenings watching the Benson + Hedges VB Commonwealth Bank Series from Australia on the box instead.