Don’t read this blog!

Despite looking like he wants to sweep your chimney, Iain O’Brien is an international cricketer. Not only that, but he’s blogging all about it. JRod (twice), Paul Holden and Mike (and Ben) on Cricket have all pointed to this bit of cricketing literary genius. He’s simply writing honestly about what it’s like to play international Cricket. And he writes well.

This is brilliant, and should have happened years ago. Imagine if, say, Richard Hadlee had blogged the Brisbane test:

Woke up. Gave the mo a good trim. Did those Aussie bastards all day. Can’t believe Vaughan fucking Brown got that wicket. I should have dropped it. Entered stats into the book back at the hotel to relax. Slept for seven hours and forty five minutes. Disconcerting dream about Karen.

Iain, if you’re reading, wanna swap links?

Author: Richard Irvine

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