Links on Friday

Wussiest. Hockey Fight. Eva. This guy looks like a frickin’ Emo missing out on a Chuck Taylor sale. I thought the NHL was meant to be big tough lumberjacks and that?

I would love to see the All Blacks medics get involved like this, maybe with a ball and all tackle on the line, or some off the ball action at ruck time.

Back at work? Not happy? Skive off with a few rounds of Test Catch Cricket. It’s no penguin toss, sadly.

Bunch of hipster-types go to Austin, Texas to ride track bikes with Lance Armstrong. He kicks their arse.

What I learned in 2008

2008 lacked last year’s dangling carrots of World Cup glory, or the crushing, crushing disappointment. Still, with the Olympics and Euro 2008 to go with full Rugby and Cricket programmes, there was plenty to watch, write and bet online about. Here’s what I learned:

Crusaders fans threatening to support Australia against the All Blacks have very short attention spans

TV reporters going to find Crusaders fans threatening to support Australia against the All Blacks look very foolish indeed

Graham Henry and Richie McCaw are pretty good at what they do

Even that won’t get Rattue back on side

The Black Caps are an effective test cricket side like a Jelly Tip is an effective sunhat

Ricky Ponting gets pretty narky when he loses

But then Andrew Symonds, Micheal Clarke, Mike Hussey and Brett Lee aren’t as good as we thought they were. At least Ponting can bat

Australia’s fall is a god send for sports writers and columnists filling word count over the holiday break

Hayden Roulston is a shit hot cyclist on the track and the road, and is just a fucking cool guy

Lance Armstrong is on Twitter

Even the Rugby League World Cup got exciting toward the very end after all

It’s not quite the same without Flem

Juande Ramos isn’t as good as I thought

I had to re-think my dim view of Harry Redknapp

Iain O’Brien is a pretty decent cricketer and blogger

W e can win Olympic golds after all

The Tour De France reached yet another low point despite the cool bikes – roll on 2009

Just getting rid of Bracewell isn’t going to fix everything related learnings include:
It’s nerve-wracking but fun to sit alone in a broom-cupboard-like studio to talk on the radio. I was stoked to be asked, and with with how it came out, managing to get a few pre-rolled zingers in

Bloggers don’t get picked to coach the Black Caps too often

I enjoyed scanning old photos and writing up my fav stadiums and trips

Robbie Deans is a double agent

Even with 15 minutes’ trouble to set up a CafePress store, people don’t buy your shit

PowerPoint is still the best for making cartoons

There’s nothing like a semi-organised cartoon archive

Kids make blogging time scarce – must focus

This year I really enjoyed JRod’s blog, and Hadyn Green’s Field Theory was always good for a Friday afternoon uniform debate. I met Graeme for a beer and to talk tactics. I joined Twitter, quit, and got back on it. This was my first year on a proper domain and on wordpress, and I’m very happy with both.

Thanks to everyone that’s read, commented and linked to  – I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Sometimes this blog feels like a ‘if a tree falls in the forrest, does anyone hear it’ situation, but I love doing it – your participation is much valued. I go by Wil Wheaton’s adage that “it doesn’t matter how many people ‘get’ your work, as long as the right people do’. You’re the right people. Ta.

Links on Friday

As soon as sportreview jr is old enough, he’ll be doing this kind of thing. But more likely this.

Jimmy Conners is a legend.

Baseball is generally boring. However, I DO like the idea of people throwing peanuts at you.

Badly Injured Man Not Done Partying Yet – “I tried to tell him sprains don’t heal themselves, but he kept calling me a pussy and telling me to chug.” Ah, this takes me back.

Links on Friday

Don’t think this guy really gets what batting’s all about. Hitting the ball and that. You can see him thinking ‘F**king YOUTUBE’ on the way back to the shed.

Six classic footballs. Tango = 1982 = undisputed champ

Arsenal 4 v Spurs 4 fanzone commentators. They got too excited at the start and left themselves nowhere to go, really.

Sean of the Dead‘s Simon Pegg on Why Zombies Shouldn’t Run, He’s writing about E4’s Dead Set *opens torrent*.

Links on Friday

You don’t want to mess with new Spurs supremo ‘Arry Redknapp. You can SEE his brain working.

Is your cat a little too comfortable helping himself in the kitchen? You need Blender Defender. I’m thinking about getting one in the office for anyone trying to nick me pens.

Goes like a strangled fart.

I think when you walk home tonight, there’ll be a rather embarrassed silence.

Links on Friday

One flicker of Colin Meads’ eyebrows would shut this crappy blog down for good. This is what happens when you take him on.

What does a Spurs fan do after he sees his team win? Turns off the Xbox. Hilarious. Just you wait, fuckers.

Yuppies think they’re so smart. But now the stock market poked and their cars are turning on them.

I could play Stairway To Heaven when I was 12. Jimmy Page didn’t actually write it until he was 22.

Links on Friday

Never get EXTREME, team – someone could lose an eye.

Great sporting losersAll Blacks feature, as do the 1999 Safas. But Brazil 1982 – here they are taking Ray Woolf’s All Whites to bits in a leisurely fashion.

RIP Paul Newman – not only is he a decent pool player, but he had a Volvo station wagon with a frickin’ V8 in it, too.

If you take on the Killeroo you will get your face eaten off.