Links on Friday

Spurs ball boy gets a bit over enthusiastic – a hero. A bloody hero. Maybe caretaker manager Martin Jol should sign him up. Love the crowd chanting “YIDDO” at him
Inky – entertaining rugby read from a guy who’s not just making it all up and that
PAIN – the PS3 game that has Halo nerds trading in their 360
Great interviews of the 20th Century – FANTASTIC page with audio, video, text and analysis of some of the greatest interviews ever, including John Lennon, Dennis Potter, Sex Pistols, etc. Here’s a link to full audio of the Lennon one

Links on Friday

Some muppet tries to tackle a goal kicker and knocks himself out – this is the greatest thing ever. The best bit is the tacklee doesn’t even notice – AND he sticks the kick
Johan Cruyff – best first touch ever? – wow, that’s some skill. Bonus link – here’s my fav (non-spurs) goal ever, by another Ajax legend. My fav spurs goal is probably this one. Or this one. Or this one.
The Times’ Serious Football Writer Brian Glanville’s top 50 football moments – nice list, he picks a whole lot of stuff from the olden days, just to prove he’s a Serious Football Writer, though
If people behaved in meetings like they did on the internet – har. Love the guy that gets all serious

Links on Friday

Pulp Sports’ The Butcher Sopranos parody – what was the Sopranos finale all about? Did he die or what? My heart was going like anything…
Ronny Rosenthal misses a sitter – and what a sitter. Luckily, he did it for the bin dippers, and not Spurs
The most rockin song of all time – is Credences’ ‘Ramble Tamble’ apparently. And it’s pretty bloody good. I’ve got a soft spot for ‘Keep your hands to yourself’ by Georgia Satellites myself. Or the Ramones’ ‘Rockaway Beach’
Urban planner clearly depressed when she came up with street names – Har

Links on Friday – Shield challenge special

Here’s some Hamilton hyperlinks for yers to celebrate the big shield challenge tomorrow night. I’ll be there, can’t wait
Waikato’s Sione Luaki hands off Richie McCaw – wow. He throws the All Black captain and best player in the world around like he’s a wussy smart arse blogger or something (thanks, Rugby Dump)
Hamilton rock – if you’ve ever been to Zak’s, or seen Knightshade in action, you know how hard the ‘tron ROCKs. Here’s what I’m talking about (thanks, Spare Room)
Highlights of Waikato v North Harbour – the smash n grab run to the shore
The McKay family – har – but is it for real?

Links on Friday

Villa’s Martin O’Neil, pop picker extraordinaire, telling Robbie Williams what for – classic, it’s like being told off by a senile old science teacher
Wayne Rooney meets Dirty Sanchez – the Welsh jackass imitators that are ten times funnier. That can’t be his house…?
Touch The Rainbow – great tv ad for Skittles. Wish I could do this with a nice bacon sandwich
All You Had To Say Was ‘Owen Wilson Befriends A Dolphin’ And I Was Sold – that’s how it gets done, team

Links on Friday

Mike Whitney Toohey’s Ad – A throwback to a simpler time when the Windies were awesome, a man could feel comfortable in big hair and stubbies, and sport was just the warm up for drinking 23 cans of piss
Sneaky goal – You can see him behind the goal going “I am the great invisible-ist-o! This rash ‘keeper is unaware of my powers and will soon pay a pretty price.”
Paul Holmes beats down Dennis Conner – The infamous interview where Paul made a name for himself, before shooting off to play in the Midget Afro Basketball League. Ta, Public Address System
Getting down on the range – some hip hop dancin’ dudes bring the streets to the golf course
If computer errors told the truth – har

Links on Friday

Riding the Tour De France prologue route – this would be cool. The Tour’s prologue section is in London this year, starting on the 7th of July, so set the alarms to see the riders caning it past Big Ben, the London Eye, that pub you spewed outside that time, etc. Typically, there will be a drug-related bans before it starts, including the cartoon villain-like blackshirts
Boris Becker, 12 – a typically committed shot from the broom cupboard bandito
Crappy movie corner – trailer for Kevin Costner’s The Postman – and an entertaining write up. Make no mistake, team, this is crap of the highest quality, and hard on the heels of Waterworld, too
Dur – DAH-DAHHHHHHH! – the most sinister rodent you’re going to see on a second-rate sports blog today

Links on Friday

– This is what we’ll be missing now Ali’s broken his jaw:
This clip comes with a typically confused piece of Mexted commentary: “But it wasn’t a punch, Tony, I was watching off camera… oooh, he DID punch him… he did land it”. I’m convinced Muzza has absolutely no idea he’s on TV
Dimitar Berbatov’s top three goals – courtesy of Soccer AM. If your name is Alex Ferguson, Arsene Wenger or Jose Mourinho, MITTS OFF!
Love Tetris? Got dreams of being a pixelated block? – This is the Japanese gameshow for you
Great Sgt. Pepper’s article – the ‘greatest album ever’ turned 40 a coupla weeks ago. For me, you can’t go past Abbey Road. Or Revolver. Or Rubber Soul, even. Ah feck it, ALL the Beatles’ albums are pretty shit hot, even when they let Ringo sing one

Links on Friday

Richie Benaud, 12, reacts to the underarm – This is fantastic, old Richie gives Greg Chappell both barrels. You don’t see this kind of honesty from commentators ANYWHERE these days
Some guy defies certain doom to catch a football – never trust a fella with a ponytail seems to be the lesson here
Hairy fingered UK football commentator Richard Keys swears – har, I always thought this guy was a dick, turns out I was right
Ping-Pong Somehow Elicits Macho Posturing – “When I’m mano a mano on Pong Station 3000, that’s when I’ll face my worthiest adversary of all: me” – I love it

Links on Friday

James Hunt post race interview – what a legend. I enjoyed F1 when I was living in Britain, as (like me mate says) you could watch it on a Sunday afternoon after coming home from the pub. I’d probably make the effort to catch the races if more drivers were like this bloke. And it wasn’t really boring and that.
Six FA Cup finals to remember – Good to see Spurs in this list twice. We used to win it all the time, you know!
Sportsfreak’s Joe Karem article – useful and interesting article about ex-All Black and David Bain saviour, for when you’re sick of all the tasteless jokes (!)
Spare Room links to the Worst B Movie moment ever – clarse, some audio is NSFW
An HR manager responds to the alleged infractions – what a whacky workplace!
Banksy, ‘street artist’ – I’m dying to know who this guy is