Month: March 2010
I am a Dropkick
Not content with blogging on this site like a jockey attempting CPR on a horse with a whip, I’m also bringing down the tone on The Dropkicks, a bad-ass NZ sport site. I’ll be doing a write up on the Chiefs every week during the Super 14, challenging me to improve my sport blogging by *actually watching the games*. It’s the kind of thing that could revolutionise this site. Ah har. Here’s week two and week three, go nuts.
New sportreview t-shirt
Ever entrepreneurial, is looking to expand the range of t-shirts we offer. As a nation, I think we can all agree that the Black Caps’ success relies solely on captain, selector and coach Dan Vettori being handed MORE responsibilty for the team. Not less – more. Immediately. Imagine a whole ASB stand or bank at the Basin kitted out in these. Expressions of interest the comments.